
I searched for a long time to make sure I had the best possible name for the company before I chose One Defense. Penzel training was a good name, but I really wanted something that better represents the purpose of the company.  It made sense because on both a personal and professional level it is descriptive of who I am, what I do, and why I have the desire to share what I’ve learned with others.


ONE DEFENSE, where You are the One.

What does that mean? hint: I’m not inferring that you are Neo 😉

When it comes to personal defense, you and I are not part of a tactical team, a police squad, a military unit. We go about our daily lives working, spending time with our families, shopping, traveling… you get the picture. There isn’t any team or backup to help you when an un-expected event occurs. It’s up to You to be prepared, to know what to do, to decide what to do, then to act according to the situation. When the effort is made to train and practice, you are the one with the mindset, tactics, skills and equipment to avoid or end a threat to your safety.

Why the focus on You?

The key focus of mine is being able to adapt to the unique learning style of each student. Regardless of class size, you are the one that I’m there to teach. As I learn more about your individual needs, I will do what is necessary to get the answer you’re looking for. It is my great desire to give you as much information and options you need to be mentally prepared, to live the lifestyle, to have the appropriate skills, to be able to choose the equipment that best suits your needs. We do not discriminate, we seek to provide a training experience that enhances learning and encourages success through positive reinforcement for all individuals.


Monthly Newsletter

I will begin sending a recurring newsletter starting next month. It will contain a variety of useful information such as commentary on important items in the news, reviews of new techniques and equipment, course reviews and testimonials, and more.

Please click on Newsletter Sign-Up to get on the list.



Defensive Shotgun – July 12th

Defensive Rifle – July 26th

Defensive Handgun – September 6th

Click this Link to learn more or register for a course