


It is with great sadness that I report the passing of one of the greatest firearm instructors that has ever lived. Louis Awerbuck was a man of intelligence, a fantastic instructor, a unique man who will be sorely missed. For a small insight into Louis and his life, please take the time to read the interview posted by Robert Boatman, Louis Awerbuck: Interview With a Madman


CNN begrudgingly publishes an article about the need for better mental health care as opposed to more gun laws. I do agree that we need to do a much better job of caring for those need mental health care but we also need to be extremely careful about any laws enacted. We don’t need further abuse of people by draconian federal laws. What do you think? Post in the comments or back on Facebook. The real gun problem is mental health, not the NRA


In the Bronx in New York there has been a number of sexual assaults since February by a man roughly 20 years of age. If the women of New York were able to carry a gun to protect themselves, wouldn’t this type of attack be less likely? Would they not, at some point, be ended by a strong woman with a gun? A String of Sexual Assaults Puts a Bronx Area on Alert


Training on your own is the key to becoming proficient in your personal defense skills. With all the demands for our time, work, family, it becomes difficult to make time to go to the range. Caleb of Gun Nuts has a couple of suggestions on how to train with limited time and ammunition. Click Here to read more


A new tool for your personal defense tool kit. Would-be carjackers foiled in Seattle, couldn’t drive stick
