


President of the Minnesota Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance Andrew Rothman eloquently explains why gun rights are important, how he became the leader of our primary advocate for gun rights, and what he does about it. From MINNPOST: Andrew Rothman, a leading gun-rights advocate, on why Minnesotans need guns

Progress! In Chicago they advance toward allowing gun stores within the city. The Mayor still wants ridiculous requirements such as video recording of all transactions and waiting periods. Click to Read More…

Hillary Clinton is calling law-abiding gun owners “terrorists”, her friend Eric Holder says we must “brainwash” people into thinking differently about guns, and Dianne Feinstein still wants to ban all firearm ownership. Click to read more…

The pursuit of gun rights is happening all over the country including Boston where they have some of the more strict laws in the country. Pro-gun activists rally against Speaker DeLeo’s gun control bill outside the State House.

A threat of Great Bodily Harm or Death, an example of what can happen without a gun. DISTURBING: Woman Assaulted in Pensacola (video)

Bloomberg’s Top Advocate Admits Gun Control Proposals Wouldn’t Stop Mass Shootings



The Defensive Shotgun course that was scheduled for this weekend has been re-scheduled for July 12th. That gives you plenty of time to pick up and try out a new sling for your shotgun before class.  🙂  If you’re interested in suggestions I can assist you with some options to choose the sling you’d like to put on your gun.

By enrolling in any of the One Defense courses other than the Informed Choices Course, I certify that I have a valid Permit to Carry or Permit to Purchase for the course dates selected. Dismiss