
How many fights occur 21 feet apart with a static threat that is facing you? It’s much more likely that the antagonist will be closer, MUCH closer, at a distance that will not give you time to draw, join, and fire before the attacker is upon you. In our level I courses we endeavor teach proper techniques for draw and marksmanship. In our level II courses we then begin to explore the techniques employed to counter these up close and personal assaults.


No matter how realistic we try to make the training scenarios, they will never be as intense or chaotic as something that may occur in real life. However, by introducing the concepts and techniques to our students, we can begin to train both our minds and bodies to be prepared. The following article goes in depth to describe the psychology and techniques to deal with these types of threats. Click the link to read more. Close Quarters Shooting, Reality in Context


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6th – Defensive Handgun I
13th – Defensive Rifle I
20th – Defensive Handgun II
27th – Defensive Rifle II

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