The Knockout game rose to a new level of barbarism in Memphis where over 100 teenagers descended upon a Kroger grocery store. They beat patrons leaving the store and the teenage employees who attempted to intervene. The security guard on site could do little except drag the unconscious victims away after they had been attacked.
Sometimes events like these may occur despite your preparation and good choices. If it happens, only you are the one who can defend yourself from the mob. Click to Watch: Three attacked by teens in store parking lot (Video).
As Paul Harvey of “The Rest of the Story” might report, there is always more to the story than what first is reported by the media. In this case the couple April and Ronnie Ritchie, who reported “a man with a gun” to the police, have now changed their story. It now has become apparent that Mr. Ritchie went beyond embellishment and set up this young man. It is my sincere desire that Mr. Ritchie is prosecuted for what resulted in the death of both John Crawford III (pictured above) and a 37 year-old woman who collapsed and died in the ensuing panic.
Is there anything can we learn from this terrible story? I contend that there is, and it’s something we teach in our courses. If you are approached by the police, make sure you don’t have anything in your hands and comply with their lawful orders. This will minimize the risk of being shot. Click to Read: Doubts cast on witness’s account of black man killed by police in Walmart.
The Network has had a number of polls recently that ask their online readers how they feel about gun rights issues. You might think that with their viewer demographic that the polls would lean toward results the gun control advocates would like. However, when asked “Should Kroger shoppers be allowed to carry handguns?” or “Does Panera’s unprecedented decision change your view of the company?” the overwhelming majority of votes are PRO gun.
I would imagine the folks who put up the polls are not happy with the results but they do reflect the large majority opinion of Americans that our right to Keep and Bear Arms includes carrying guns with us when we go about our business.
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