






Not to hit someone with it, no. 😉 When it comes to personal defense, the best defense is a strong mind and the right attitude toward personal safety. Much of what we teach focuses on training the mind, building the correct mindset. We build on that foundation to establish good personal tactics and teach the exercises that will start our students down the path toward mastery of firearm skills. Don’t let anyone fool you with the false premise that it requires extensive firearm skills training to be able to confidently defend oneself.

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Please understand that most acts of violence are not random and unpredictable. There are behaviors and situations that predators look for  to take advantage of un-suspecting victims.

Avoid stupid places (late nights at malls, bars, etc) stupid people (large crowds, especially those that are drinking), and doing stupid things (something as simple as texting on your phone while walking to your car in a public place).

Be aware of your surroundings (why is that individual standing over there with their hoodie pulled down over their face?). Stay Alert, maintain good posture, walk upright and confidently, scan the crowd so that you can assess the people around you (it isn’t necessary to stare people down).

If these things are part of your mindset, you will likely avoid trouble and by doing so you have already “won the fight”. If trouble somehow manages to find us regardless of our best efforts to avoid it, we can decisively use our tactics and skills to quickly end the threat and cause the perpetrator to disengage.

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Whether it’s the martial arts or personal defense with firearms, it takes BRAINS BEFORE BRAWN to win the fight.




Shooting steel on the range is both fun and a good teaching tool for personal defense training. At the same time it is imperative that the targets are well maintained and used at appropriate distances. My friend and mentor John Farnam shares the story of a fellow DTI alum who found out that damaged steel can be very dangerous if used improperly.

Click to Read: STEEL TARGETS


In our defensive handgun and defensive shotgun courses we use the patented ROTATOR targets from the Ravelin Group of Illinois. My colleague Steve Camp has designed effective and durable targets that work well and challenge the student’s marksmanship. In your next course with us, see if you can make it spin!



Be Safe. Be Prepared. Get Trained. – You are the One.


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11th – Defensive Handgun II


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