




It’s going to be a busy September! There will be classes every Saturday this coming month, I look forward to seeing you in our next Defensive Rifle course.

September 13th – Defensive Rifle I

Introduce responsible adults to the concepts and practical skills required for defensive use of a rifle. This one day course covers a broad range of topics including risk and threat management, situational awareness, practical equipment, the appropriate application of force, urban applications, and interacting with Law Enforcement. Training is conducted both in the classroom and on the range.

The emphasis of this course is on defensive rifle handling and shooting skills. Most of this class is on short to medium ranges. Topics include movement, trajectory, battlesight zero, gear set-up, sling configurations, use of cover and concealment, and use of single and multiple targets.

The class is hosted by Rolf Penzel, Defense Training International Affiliate instructor. Registration includes range fee and lunch. Click the link above to Register.



A few months ago, the NRA launched their Good Guys campaign to highlight the virtues that once made America the greatest country the world has ever known. Yesterday, they expanded on that campaign in a big way.

So far, Good Guys appears to be an 11 part series, with each video in the playlist focusing on a topic like Service, Courage, and Community. The videos are a minute long and feature a number of prominent figures in the firearms community. They are definitely worth your time. Check them out then join the NRA.

To preserve our values and protect our freedom, America needs the good guys to step up like never before.” -Wayne LaPierre




If your neighbors ask you to watch their house on vacation, I think that’s a reasonable thing to do. If you notice someone burglarizing their house, would you run there with your gun to capture the bad guy? I wouldn’t recommend it. The risk is extremely high. Click to watch the story from Channelview Texas: Suspected burglar shot, killed by neighbors watching home.


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6th – Defensive Handgun I

13th – Defensive Rifle I

20th – Defensive Handgun II

27th – Defensive Rifle II

Alumni Discounts available!


By enrolling in any of the One Defense courses other than the Informed Choices Course, I certify that I have a valid Permit to Carry or Permit to Purchase for the course dates selected. Dismiss