One of the many important tools we should have in our inventory is a good attorney and people that can assist us when we need help after an act of self defense. I believe the best organization you can be associated with is the Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Network. Here are some of the things that they have to offer:
• An initial fee deposit of up to $10,000 paid to the member’s attorney by the Network if the member has been involved in a self-defense incident. The fee deposit gets the legal defense immediately underway, with representation during questioning, and arranging for an independent investigation of the incident. This is a membership benefit; the member is not asked to repay it.
• Network members defending against unmeritorious prosecution or civil litigation after a self defense incident occuring during their period of membership are also eligible for additional grants of financial assistance for legal fees from the Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Fund.
• In addition, the Network is working to create a nationwide network of affiliated attorneys and legal experts upon which the member can draw in the event of a self-defense shooting. See the Affiliates page for current information on this benefit. Members’ attorneys can also request case review by one of the Network’s experts, paid for by the Network, with findings and advice forwarded to the member’s lawyer.
Other membership benefits include:
-DVDs by major players in the justifiable use of deadly force field sent each new member for their preliminary education; continuing educational DVDs are mailed to members in good standing each year. These include programs covering pre-assault indicators and how they influence the self defense decision-making process, and a DVD on which well-recognized experts including Dennis Tueller, Massad Ayoob, Tom Givens and John Farnam present segment, as well as lectures from Massad Ayoob on witness dynamics and aftermath issues.
-Access to the Network’s expert witnesses.
-Discounts on books and videos sold on the Network’s web site.
Their mission is as follows:
Our mission, indeed, our entire focus is the preparation, education and legal defense of Network members who defend themselves and their families, then face unmeritorious prosecution by the criminal justice system.
The Network is an organization of gun owners pooling their strength to protect one another when a member comes under scrutiny of the legal system after acting in self defense. Just as the earliest labor unions were mere groups of workers joined together to prevent abuse of individual workers, Network members have joined, not because they expect to use deadly force in self defense, but because they are well aware of the abuses the legal system can enact against the innocent man or women forced to defend self or family.Our members recognize that an individual may not carry much weight against the legal system. The Network’s strength, its experts and the fund amassed from 25% of all membership dues, provides VASTLY more power to protect your legal rights and legal survival.
A Network member is probably the least likely gun owner to be involved in a shooting or otherwise use deadly force. This is because of our aggressive educational program that starts when you join the Network. An informative series of eight educational DVDs is given to each new member, and an additional DVD is sent each year as a renewal gift to returning members. The DVDs ensure that your understanding of use of force in self defense is first class. Our content-rich on-line journal carries on that mission each month.
The Network is a membership organization with a variety of services for members. Using the links to the left, you can browse through information about what you get with your membership, an introduction to the Network leadership, media coverage of the Network, why our members have joined, and answers to frequently asked questions.
Join me in supporting the Network by becoming a member today.
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6th – Defensive Handgun I
13th – Defensive Rifle I
20th – Defensive Handgun II
27th – Defensive Rifle II
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