Informed Choices Before You Buy

Informed Choices Before You Buy - Course Description
Thinking about buying a firearm for personal defense? Wondering what’s the best option when are there so many choices to make? Are there alternatives to firearms for self-defense? What can I do to make my home more secure? What can I do when out in public to enhance my personal safety? This course will discuss a broad range of options to enable you to make informed choices for your own personal defense plan.
This course provides options that address a number of needs. It will provide a solid foundation in basic defensive firearm types and you will be able to identify characteristics that best suit your personal needs. I will also encourage you to complete your own personal defensive needs assessment. This will help you identify the reasons why you’re considering a defensive firearm. We will discuss how to incorporate firearm ownership and corresponding responsibility into your daily life.
Are you considering a handgun? This course will examine the attributes of semi-automatics and revolvers and illustrating some popular models of each. Are you thinking about a long gun? We will discuss and compare basic rifles, carbines and shotguns. What other means of self-defense are there in lieu of a firearm? Together we will examine a number of alternatives and options for you to determine which will best suit your needs.
In addition to my training location I am available to provide this course at your home which can include hands-on airsoft training session and home security assessment.
Ask me about Private Training in your own home.