Defensive Shotgun

Defensive Shotgun - Course Description
COVID Pricing – $149
This course is designed for the armed citizen acting alone in self-defense situations. You will learn fundamental shotgun techniques and personal defense tactics that will benefit both new and experienced shooters.
Make the first shot count! The range exercises address individual tactics required for defensive use of a shotgun in an urban environment. Move quickly, stop suddenly, shoot accurately! Topics include precision shooting, trigger control, reloading, movement, and malfunctions while performing under stress.
Not just a shooting class! This one day course also covers a broad range of topics including risk assessment, threat management, situational awareness, the appropriate application of force, interacting with Law Enforcement, courtroom savvy. You will be introduced to the concepts, practical skills, and lifestyle considerations that prepare the you how to deal appropriately with personal defense scenarios.
You are the One who must be prepared for the fight AND the aftermath. This course will provide much more than the basics of your permit to carry class.
Shotguns not only provide an excellent means of self-defense, they are also used for hunting and recreation. The shotgun is often the close-quarters defensive tool of choice, due to its high hit probability and impressive terminal ballistics. You will learn how to safely load and unload a shotgun and how to safely store it for defense use in the home. Additional topics include selection of weapon and ammunition, patterning and zeroing considerations, practical shooting and firing positions, reloading under duress, engagement of single and multiple threats, and use of cover.
Nearly any quality 12 or 20 gauge shotgun will do, but we would like you to have a experience handling a suitable defensive shotgun. The Remington 870 or 1187, the Mossburg 590, the Beretta 1201, or the Benelli Super 90 in the law enforcement version are preferred. Barrel length should not exceed twenty inches. We do not recommend the Winchester pump or autoloader or the Ithaca (or Stevens). Your shotgun should have a stock, either fixed or folding and must have a sling.
You are the One who must be prepared for the fight AND the aftermath. This course will provide much more than the basics of your permit to carry class.
Defensive Shotgun by One Defense covers an incredible amount of material in one day and will provide a solid foundation for you to build your defensive mindset, tactics and skills.
Upon successful completion of the course the student will be provided a certificate of achievement that signifies the student is able to use their firearm safely, responsibly, and effectively.